Dr. R.J. Singer (Chinese Medicine) is a highly skilled Master of distal and microsystem acupuncture. This style is renowned for instant pain relief, and for resolving complex internal medicine conditions by stimulating the brain and autonomic nervous system to reduce inflammation, and restore homeostasis. R.J. also has vast experience and is very accomplished in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Pulse Diagnosis. In most circumstances, you don’t need to tell him anything about your condition; he will find out and tell you! He has spent many years beyond his university level training in Chinese Herbal Medicine, studying and continuously learning from some of the most renown Chinese Herbal Medicine Masters from China and Taiwan.
R.J.’s area of special interest is in helping patients suffering with conditions such as Pain and Chronic illness; particularly autoimmune, digestive conditions, respiratory issues such as asthma, and skin disorders. R.J. suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for many years, and this is what led him to Chinese Medicine initially. You can read more about his path to recovery at
He became a Doctor of Chinese Medicine to help adults and children recover, heal, and/or manage similar chronic health conditions. In addition to being a registered Acupuncturist, and Chinese Herbalist with AHPRA and AACMA. He is also a highly regarded QiGong Therapist and Teacher, Feng Shui Consultant, and an initiate of Tai Shang Men Taoism.